Home Featured News Back-to-School Prep 101: tips for a successful meet-the-teacher meeting

Back-to-School Prep 101: tips for a successful meet-the-teacher meeting

by The 100 Companies

Prepare for a successful meet-the-teacher meeting by making a list of questions to ask the teacher, such as:

• What is the daily schedule?

• How do you handle homework and assignments?

• What are the classroom rules and behavior expectations?

Things to remember:

• Meet the school nurse

• Request extra car tags

• Confirm drop-off and pick-up spots

• Print the school calendar

• Snap a picture of the “About Me” info. the teacher provides

• Note special schedules to ensure your child is dressed appropriately

To “Ace the Meet-the-Teacher Meeting,” make sure you stay organized, ask thoughtful questions and build a strong connection from the start.

– Taylor Ketchum, Jones PR, The Oklahoma 100

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