Home Food & Drinks GABF by the numbers

GABF by the numbers

Great American Beer Festival

Over 62,000 attendees came, saw and drank – probably too much – at the 2018 Great American Beer Festival in Denver. Roughly 800 breweries from across the country poured more than 4,000 beers at the festival, which celebrated its 37th anniversary. Nearly 300 judges reviewed beers from 2,404 breweries stemming from 13 countries.

Gold medal winners from Colorado include Denver Beer Co., winning for both its Graham Cracker Porter and Barrel-Aged Japance Off, and Banded Oak Brewing’s Drunkard’s Cloak.

In all, Colorado breweries took home 32 gold, silver or bronze medals. Cheers to Colorado’s impressive craft beer scene.

The 100 Companies Staff

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